Kids Village Programs
Kids Village teaches early preschool through kindergarten (ages 2 1/2 – 6) in a nurturing and immersive setting that inspires creativity, curiosity, and a lifelong desire to learn.
– Linda Conway

Available Programs
The class sizes at Kids Village are small and personal to ensure each student receives dedicated time and attention from his or her teacher.
Students rotate between their academic classroom and workshop classrooms. In academic classrooms, teachers use five-senses teaching, award-winning Saxon curriculum, and the incremental teaching methods to lead classes in reading, writing, and mathematics.
In workshop classes, students are engulfed in hands-on activities carefully designed to encourage a sense of exploration, build self-confidence, and master life skills while building upon lessons from the academic classrooms. For instance, students in a cooking workshop might be encouraged to spell their name out of bread dough, or students will sing songs about letters or numbers during a music workshop.

Little Sprouts
AGES 2 1/2 – 3
The Kids Village Little Sprouts early preschool program makes your child’s first school experience a positive one. With small class sizes and plenty of one-on-one interaction, Little Sprouts develop character and confidence for future school success.
In the academic classroom, Little Sprouts build foundations in letters, sounds, shapes, colors, and numbers. In the Kids Village workshops, their cognitive and motor skills are enhanced.
Children in Little Sprouts develop healthy self-esteem in an environment where they are free to be themselves and grow into healthy, dynamic children.

Sweet Peas
AGES 3-4
In our Sweet Peas class, children build on their preschool foundation as they take first steps in reading and writing.
Each week they are introduced to a new letter and the sounds that letter makes, eventually learning to write their own names. They learn to recognize numbers through a structured math program, and they learn concepts such as opposites, patterns, and rhymes through games and fun. Socially, Sweet Peas are prepared to advance to our pre-kindergarten class as they learn to follow rules, share, and cooperate in a classroom setting.

Tater Tots
AGES 4-5
Based on a firm knowledge of the letters and sounds gained in Sweet Peas, Tater Tots are ready to form words, combine them into sentences, and start reading at an early age. Children discover how fun and practical math can be as they act out story problems, learn to tell time, measure objects, and learn money values.
The Kids Village workshops incorporate all five senses to reach children of all learning style and to strengthen retention and real-life application.
This pre-kindergarten program is proven to equip children with the critical thinking skills and confidence to tackle kindergarten and later, grade school.

AGES 5-6
Our kindergarten is perfect for children who are eager to learn and are ready to step ahead. Already having mastered foundational concepts in math and phonics, children excel with our challenging curriculum that includes more advanced lessons in capitalization, punctuation, consonants, vowels, spelling, and penmanship.
They also build on their math knowledge with lessons in addition, subtraction, counting money, and number patterns.
Our small class sizes truly set us apart. Your child will receive ample individual attention, ensuring his or her academic confidence and success.
Schedule A Tour
Kids Village
Orem, Utah 84057